Create Custom File Search Shortcuts For Windows Explorer


Staff member
So I've spent the last several hours learning how to script Windows Explorer shortcuts to prompt searches and actually met with some success.

For example here's a shortcut which when run will search all drives (except C:) for quickbooks *.qbw and *.qbb files.

View attachment Quickbooks

I'm probably going to create a bunch of these for all different file types to put in a folder on the external drives I return data on. That way when we get phone calls asking "where's my Quickbooks file?" or "where's my Outlook file?", I can just direct them to the links folder and tell them to click on the appropriate one.

Took me a while to figure out the syntax, but now that I have it should be pretty easy to modify:

%windir%\explorer.exe search-ms:"displayname=Search (Quickbooks)&crumb=*.qbw OR *.qbb =folderpath:=NOT C:&crumb=location:/"


I also use a few custom search terms, and I think it is pretty powerful. I don't have my cheat sheet reference txt file here, but for example the main ones I use are to strip out all the rubbish from flash drives when recovering.

find all the MS Office Temp files that start with a tilde: name:~"*~*"

finds all files which begin with a period, even those which do not have an extension. -kind:folder excludes folders from the search: filename:.*. -kind:folder this is the commandline version: dir .*.* /s /a-D

MS reference, pretty powerful stuff:


Staff member
Right. My mission was to be able to put that search magic into a clickable link for them. Hardest part was figuring out how to exclude searching the C:/


I usually provide a SNAP2HTML-generated listing of recovered files, as part of the quoting process. SNAP2HTML includes a search function and it works very well. If they ask me where's such-and-such file, I just refer them to the file listing (which I e-mailed to them earlier). Sometimes, I include the file list with the recovered data.