Recent content by gencom

  1. gencom

    ST2000DM001 - 9YN164 - 500 (ORG-FW-CC4B)

    No, it's not like that. I have two disks on the same drive, and I wanted to update the one that was making a clicking sound. I directly flashed the normally working disk with an ISO file, and it crashed. The command interface is not opening. It was working before without firmware update. I...
  2. gencom

    ST2000DM001 - 9YN164 - 500 (ORG-FW-CC4B)

    MODEL: ST2000DM001 PN: 9YN164-500 FW: CC4B SN: W240VK8W Hello, since I bought the Seagate 2TB HDD, it has had a clicking sound. I updated the firmware with an ISO, and it crashed. I am sure I did it correctly, but now it doesn't respond at all. There are no important files inside, but I want to...
  3. gencom

    Seagate Preamp Pulled From ROM (Requests)

    how i can repair this fw because flashed without cfs:
  4. gencom

    Seagate Preamp Pulled From ROM (Requests)

    im sure, not need. already fw damaged at upgrade. tll port works but getting spin error. i backed up bricked fw. i want recyle my disk. here bricked fw
  5. gencom

    Seagate Preamp Pulled From ROM (Requests)

    ST2000DM001-9YN164-500 FW: CC4B SN:W240VK8W hello i need donor fw. with preamp