Recent content by Jared

  1. Jared

    All Moderators Privileges Removed From Forum

    I'm still unable to determine how new users are bypassing the moderation of the first 5 posts. The only possibility I can think of is that one of the moderator accounts was compromised, possibly due to a recycled password. To be sure, I've removed all moderator permissions 100% from the forum...
  2. Jared

    High-Performance Soldering Station for Precision Work

    I've removed your spam link. If you want to promote your products here you can, but you must do it openly and honestly by declaring yourself as a representative of the company that sells the products. Not just posting spammy junk posts with anchor text urls. Tell us why your station is good...
  3. Jared

    Doubt HDD shocks

    Just make a backup of the drive. If it's got bad sectors in existing files, the drive will find them when it tries to read them. Other bad sectors will eventually be detected when the drive background scans itself or when it tries to write data to a sector and it fails.
  4. Jared

    Doubt HDD shocks

    Not too likely. Within only a few milliseconds of the USB cable coming out, the drive already parked the heads. Likely it already happened before your hand hit it. But, check the S.M.A.R.T. either way and see.
  5. Jared

    Doubt HDD shocks

    The OS eject just makes certain there's no cached data that hasn't been yet written to the disk and that the file system is fully updated and ready for disconnect. It has nothing to do with the hard drive's operations like parking the heads. It's highly unlikely then that the heads were...
  6. Jared

    Doubt HDD shocks

    It's certainly possible, but I wouldn't immediately assume the HDD is bad just because you bumped it. Once the power (or USB cable) is disconnected, the heads park very quickly into their parking zone. Once the heads are parked, they're pretty resilient to being bumped around. It's when...
  7. Jared

    ST35003200AS after CC error. Cylinder stuck at 42%

    You can try throwing in the -R trigger in your ddrescue command to make it image backward from the highest LBA to the lowest. If it's just one area of bad sectors, you can perhaps image both ways up to the bad area. Even better, try using hddsuperclone to image it. It's better at skipping...
  8. Jared

    Sorry For All The Spam - Should Be Better Now

    Sorry for all the spam. Somehow these suckers found a way to bypass the moderation of their first 5 posts and get them to directly post. I'm still now sure how they're doing it, perhaps a flaw in the forum software (I haven't updated it in a couple versions). They were posting faster than I...
  9. Jared

    Ignore This Thread

  10. Jared

    Ignore This Thread

    Testing another url (just working on a plugin I'm developing and need to see if referrer url is properly captured). Nothing related to this site.
  11. Jared

    Ignore This Thread

    Testing a URL:
  12. Jared

    Can someone PLEASE help me! I'm about to pull my hair out.

    Maybe share the old link, perhaps someone can help look if we know what specifically you're after.
  13. Jared

    WDC WD10SPZX-22Z10T1 HDD Constantly dies after swapping Heads

    Maybe, maybe not. I've seen cases where a second or even third donor got significantly more data after killing the first/second set of replacements. But, often yes, it's just killing more heads without results. I usually left it up to my clients to decide if they wanted to keep paying for...
  14. Jared

    WDC WD10TMVW-11ZSMS4 USB to SATA issue (2060-771761-001)

    771692 is the correct board. If memory serves me correctly, I think the -002 Rev A is the revision with the greatest compatibility. If the patient ROM size is smaller, you can just pad it with zeros at the end to match the donor board's larger ROM size. Also, have to be careful of embedded vs...