Recent content by pc3000

  1. P

    M2 NVME to sata adapter

    The same thing happened to me.. :?
  2. P

    Best way to export to single file image in data extractor?

    I use the image all the time (It is known that there is a disagreement between the professional data recovery what is better) I had no such problem
  3. P

    ROM patch

    how can explain those options clearly? thanks!
  4. P

    Chip-on HDD Flash Programmer Smart

    Do you have adapter with cable for ROM like this?
  5. P

    Chip-on HDD Flash Programmer Smart

    I have been working with this programmer for years and he reads directly form the board with auto detect but i cant read Toshiba ROM Because of no access to contacts so i have to take off the chip
  6. P

    offline source drive

    what is that mean?
  7. P

    open pcb WD 2060-800066

    Where can I buy Data Recovery PCB without pay 1,000,000$ ..? Does anyone here have such a board? Please upload a picture of the pcb from both sides
  8. P

    Your Data Recovery Laugh of the Day
  9. P

    CD Data Recovery Software ... 9#viTabs_0
  10. P

    CD Data Recovery Software
  11. P

    new tool from Deepspar

    Do you create with this tool, image for USB drives Without replacing to SATA board?
  12. P

    new tool from Deepspar
  13. P

    Hello From Arizona

    Welcome : )