Seagate Maximum Baud Rates for Reading / Writing ROM


Staff member
I don't know if anyone has ever kept track of this (I know I haven't until now) but I think I'm going to do a running list of the maximum baud rate that different Seagate families can use to read/write ROM via boot ROM code.

Grenada: 921000 (some will read at 921600)
Kahuna: 921000
Bogart: 460800
Anak: 921600
Yarrah_5400: 460800
V9: 921600
MantaRay: 460800

If you've got any that you know off hand, please feel free to add below so I can update the list. I know it's not terribly important but it certainly does speed things up not always having to read at the default 38400 speed.
Jared":3s41371g said:
I don't know if anyone has ever kept track of this (I know I haven't until now) but I think I'm going to do a running list of the maximum baud rate that different Seagate families can use to read/write ROM via boot ROM code.

Grenada: 921000
Bogart: 460800

If you've got any that you know off hand, please feel free to add below so I can update the list. I know it's not terribly important but it certainly does speed things up not always having to read at the default 38400 speed.

Hello Jared ,
Sorry if you feel bad but you are not maintaining any lists properly .Please Check this List -> identify-wd-marvel-families-by-code-after-the-dash-t636.html .Inspite Of Some of Us Telling You About Some Families .If You Cannot Handle That Can You Let Me Handle That List or Some Other Lists i am ready for that responsibility

See This -> search.php?author_id=2&sr=posts


Staff member
Amarbir, are you on any forum for a meaningful purpose other than to just criticize others? You want to criticize the fact that I haven't kept up with some of the useful information I post, yet you have yet to post one meaningful comment I've seen yet. All you do is criticize!!!

I'm giving you a warning for this. If it keeps happening I'm going to ban you.
Jared":n7rdg7wb said:
Amarbir, are you on any forum for a meaningful purpose other than to just criticize others? You want to criticize the fact that I haven't kept up with some of the useful information I post, yet you have yet to post one meaningful comment I've seen yet. All you do is criticize!!!

I'm giving you a warning for this. If it keeps happening I'm going to ban you.

Jared ,
I am currently sorting out a lot of HDD inventory in my lab i can easily handle that one list i told you about ,If i am given the responsibility And you could email me the list so that i could populate it with what i have under sorting .Is That All i do Here Criticise ? .Might Be i Need To check My Posts And Really See If this is Only what i Do On Your forums .

PS : You Do Not Want Me Here Its OK With Me ,Inspite of Me Trying To share a Responsibility i am given a warning And a Threat .I do Not Like Threats [ When i Have Not Done Anything ] . You Gave a Warning Without Even Thinking Twice And Not Taking Into the View That i Am Eager To Do That If You Are busy .This is Amazing :evil:

PS2 : If You Want a List of My Posts and Really See How Many Were Useless And How Many Were To Criticise ,Plus How Many Posts Were There To Help Fellow Members [ Might Be You Will change Your Mind ] . You Took Offence To Something That i Wanted To Share With You If You Do Not Have Time . I Will Prefer You Remove The Warning You Gave Me ,Otherwise i am gone Here forever [ Even i Have Some Self Respect ,Specially when i Gave a Comment In the Best Intention ] .


Staff member
Just stop needlessly criticizing everyone and you won't have any problem.
Jared":307q1z7r said:
Just stop needlessly criticizing everyone and you won't have any problem.

Jared ,
Please Check Atleast 24 Of My Last Messages or Posts and Do Tell Me the Percentage Of Criticisms I Have Done .I did check my posts randomly and do not feel the way you feel about me .Do check it Once Before You Comment Briefly Again .