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  1. S

    Best way to sell this to customer...

    I keep coming up against this issue and was wondering how you guys deal with it / sell it to customer ? The drive brand doesn't matter, although it's typically seagate or wd. The issue: The drive needs heads, but there are also some surface problems, so it will be physically impossible to...
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    RAW or not to RAW

    Not sure how to get the best result possible from this one. Customer is a teacher, needs standard office files, pics and vids from drive. Drive had been elsewhere discussed here and after replacing the heads and weeks of imaging I've finally got all that can be read. Unread blocks are located...
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    Repair shop removed the label

    Got this little gem that had been to another repair shop, obviously missing its label. Drive is horribly unstable but SA is fine. 3K ID's it as per the label :lol: :lol: but I'm a bit confused as the label gives me the idea its a 160GB drive yet the 3K shows it to be 1TB drive. Long story...
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    what could be causing data to shift ?

    Got this weird issue going on where I'm imaging a couple of SAS drives using DE and the images have shifted their data by a few sectors. Obviously this is causing my array to be crud. Any ideas as to what may be the culprit ? I've done several this way with 100% success but tow of them are being...
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    Need a stable 8 port SATA card, any recomendations ?

    Hi Guys Need a way to connect my 12 SATA clones of an SAS RAID job to my machine for config, any suggestion on a stable card for the job ?
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    WD40NMZW-59GX6S1 Spyglass ID

    Have swapped heads on this thing but struggling to get it to ID and then get past SED. I suspect platter damage on head 0 but drive is clean inside I have managed to get sector access after a lot of fiddling around but was then presented with the SED error. Trying to remedy this caused me to...
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    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Cannot seem to get this thing out of BSY mode. Drive spins up but will not ID, its not noisy, clicks or anything nasty, just refuses to play. Get following in Terminal: ActiveFW : 00 FWVer : 0001 SATA PLL cal done DDR size detected = 16MB DDR size detected = 16MB *PAUNI_L2957*PA VID=0006...
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    ST2000DM001 Donor

    Anyone got any experience with compatible donors for this drive, using the B6 04 Pre amp ?
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    Head compatibility

    Hi guys, I just want to double check compatibility before I scrap this case. Is the D drive a suitable candidate for head swapping into the P drive ? Thanks as always
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    Head cleaning under microscope

    What is the best method to remove dirt from heads when viewing through a microscope ? What would be used as the applicator and what would be cleaning agent ? Thanks as always for any info.
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    WD my cloud

    Hi guys, working on one of these and wondering if anybody has a way of mounting the (cloned) drive ? Thanks
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    The order by which data is written.

    When data is being saved to drive, is it done in a logical order ? Is it spread across multiple platters or is it written to 1 platter at a time ? For example; a new 1TB drive with 2 platters (4 sides @ 250GB per side) has several 100MB files written to it, are these files going to be spread...
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    G-List and P-List

    Maybe its an issue of not seeing the wood for the trees but I need some clarity from you guys. I know what both are etc. but for the purpose of data recovery, I can't get my head around the need for interfering with them. For example: moving the G-list into the P-list, serves what benefit ...
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    Big update which finally supports APFS ... DDLOtkeLOU
  15. S

    WD My Book Duo

    Hi guys, having an issue recreating the RAID out of one of these things. Drives have imaged nicely but something is getting in the way of a virtual raid reconstruction and I'm thinking it maybe down to the WD 256 bit AES hardware encryption ? Anybody able to shed any light on this one for me...
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    DDI to DE

    Just fiddling around with the DDI and PC3K before the xmas break, and am curious as to why there is such a function in DRE that allows you to be able to export a LBA map that can then be imported into DE ? You can also do it the other way around (DE to DDI). - Why would you want to do that ...
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    Thinking of getting some of these

    How is the manufacture quality on these sets ? I'm thinking of upgrading my current sets and considering trying these instead of hddsurgery ones.
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    New 4.70 firmware and DRE available

    At last 8-) DDI4 & DRE V4.70 is now available! All users with an active software update license can now install the new update. If your license is expired, renewal costs $350US per DDI4 for 1 year. This version requires both the firmware and software to be updated, as described in the user...
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    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    Have had this case come in, DM has failed heads possibly with media damage but the SSD is functional. Fusion setup of 128GB / 3 TB (ST3000DM001). Not done one of these fusion recoveries before so not entirely sure how to go about stitching them back together once imaged etc. Does anybody have...
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    Sector Edit and Hex code

    I would like to know more about looking at data in sectors represented in hex format. I know this can help with awkward recoveries but I feel I don't know enough about this side of it and would appreciate any help increasing my understanding of this side of recovery practice. I understand that...
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    SAMSUNG HN-M101MBB Compatible heads ?

    Got one of these 'SAMSUNG HN-M101MBB' come in and it needs heads, amongst other things, but I can't find a compatible donor that won't break the bank. I've got a pile of the Seagate / Samsung ST1000LM024 in my stocks and they seem to share the same HN model number but unsure if they would work...
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    Temperature for removing ROM chips

    What's a good temperature to use (for the hot air machine) for getting the ROM chips off the PCB's ? Obviously without nuking them etc ?
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    Apple 2013+ SSD 12+16 pins adapter

    I'm trying to find a way to connect this via SATA. I've got the 12+16 pcie to USB board but cant interface that with the 3K or the DDI4. I've got the 12+16 pcie to m.2 but the notch is in the wrong place for m.2 to sata Is there a way to do it or am I at a brick wall here ?
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    Compatible for smart hot swapping

    This job is turning into a monster. Got a WD10JMVW-11AJGS3 (DCM:EHMT2BNB) and need to find a comparable donor but I can't find one with the exact matching DCM. Its looking like Ive got to do a smart hot swap but don't know it I can get away with a slightly different match or not. Any help...
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    Best place to get these ?

    Whats the best place to get these sata connectors from ? Is it as simple as cutting them off older PCB boards or are they something you can buy ready to solder with ?
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    What is a 'smart hot swap' ?

    I see the term mentioned but can't quite understand whats going on ? Can someone who knows give me the lowdown on it please ? Thanks
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    DDI4 - unreadable sectors - & DRE

    Got a case with tons of music files, thousands of them, and there is quite a lot of unreadable sectors. Question is, how does the DRE separate the good files from the bad files upon extraction ? On drives with zero unread I would use R-Studio to extract from destination but this has too many...
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    DDI4 same same but different ?

    Why do they have slightly different displays, is this due to the firmware being different ?
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    Multiple platter alignment, how to do

    Some of the physically damaged drives need the platters cleaning before rebuilding into donors etc, how are they being geometrically re-aligned ? Do you even need to align them or is it nonsense ? I'm curious as to what the technique is thats used for aligning multiple platters ? $6,000,000...
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    Strange drives configuration, any ideas ?

    I'll try to explain this as best as I can, the drives are from a dead Dell laptop, fresh from Hong Kong, but with a weird drive configuration. I'm wondering if windows has been setup like OSX would be on a fusion setup, however I've never seen that before. 1 x 32GB Hynix SSD (PCI-e) 1 x 1TB...
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    What do these numbers represent

    Thank you
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    Is there an option for ....

    In DRE (on the DDI) you can 'map LBA to file'. Is there a similar function in DE ?
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    What is this value ?

    Case is 398.6GB total size Current read speed 133.00KB But I don't get what the 4.0 GB is referring to ? Anybody help me with this please ?
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    PC 3000 Templates video

    Hi guys, been trying to get to grips with all the wonderful things my PC 3000 does :shock: :shock: and came across this guys version of imaging with DE whilst utilising multiple passes (looks like the same principles as a DDI). Any thoughts on his way of doing it ...
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    HFS catalogue file corrupted

    Got an ongoing case where the only option that yields the clients data is through dealing with it as RAW data. Unfortunately all his file names, structures etc are toasted and everything is just being lumped together in various forms. The customer has more office documents than Microsoft...
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    RAID 10 case

    Ive been working on a 4 disk RAID 10 case and trying to rebuild the RAID in UFS pro. (using 4 bare drive DDI images) There are supposed to be 6 partitions within the array, that contain important data, but my rebuild isn't really showing me any of these, I just seem to be getting loads of...
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    File list tools ?

    If you don't have a PC-3000 (like me) what is the preferred way of generating file lists to pass on to customer on whats recoverable etc ? Thanks in advance guys.
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    RAID 5, 6 or 10 best for my DAS

    I was going to utilise a RAID 10 setup on my new Rocketstor DAS but I though I might ask you guys what you would consider the better to use ? This will be used for storing the customers data, post imaging, and before moving to clients new media. Thanks in advance
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    Best method of storage arrangement of donor drives ?

    Im looking for advice on how best to organise the storage of my donor drives. I have circa 500 3.5's and roughly the same in 2.5's but aside from branding and size is there a more efficient solution ? How do you guys organise yours ? Thanks in advance.