Search results

  1. igen

    Unusual question - how connect USB pendrive to a SATA bus ?

    Hello, I have an unusual question. Normally, there are plenty of interfaces on the market that allow you to connect, for example, a SATA drive to a USB port on a computer. I'm looking for the exact opposite solution. My question - how to connect e.g. a USB pendrive to a SATA controller on a...
  2. igen

    SpyGlass2 Ultra (MCU encrypt) - problem after partition format...

    Hello everyone, HDD USB - WD40NDZW-11A8JS0 (SpyGlass2 Ultra) after formatting the partition. Now - The user area is empty (almost same "0") I have the original USB PCB converted by soldering the SATA connector. ROM unlocked. The disk is physically full functional - all SA modules are reads...
  3. igen

    Platters swap - coaxial calibration vs. calibrating balance

    Hi everyone, It is common knowledge that after removing the plates from the disk (e.g. after the engine is seized, dirty, etc.) we must set the coaxial markers (with the number of plates 2+). While looking for information on this topic, i came across this link...