Search results

  1. S

    Cross Compatible WD Families

    Tressels into Trails worked good for me recently.
  2. S

    Best way to sell this to customer...

    When you say real percentage, are you saying that the 3K isn't accurate with its calculation of good/bads ? Also, what is the software you are referring to on that site ? I don't see anything that would do what you're saying. Thanks
  3. S

    Best way to sell this to customer...

    Hi Larry Thanks for taking the time to give me a detailed response. Like you, we do charge for donors upfront if they are needed, however, there seems to be some conflicting thoughts about doing it this way though, which I find strange. There are some guys who think this is a bad way to do...
  4. S

    Best way to sell this to customer...

    I keep coming up against this issue and was wondering how you guys deal with it / sell it to customer ? The drive brand doesn't matter, although it's typically seagate or wd. The issue: The drive needs heads, but there are also some surface problems, so it will be physically impossible to...
  5. S

    RAW or not to RAW

    I'm comparing the result from reclaime to the task in UFS pro. I do like the idea of being able to work with ace labs images outside of Data Extractor though, and despite using 30GB of RAM and 15 Hrs to build a virtual file system, it may have done a better job. I also like the way you can...
  6. S

    RAW or not to RAW

    Thanks Larry, I'm sure I could find a use for this one ;)
  7. S

    RAW or not to RAW

    I agree with you, but I don't typically get many jobs that end up in such a mess as this, where there is no catalogue file or MFT to go at. If I have to do RAW recoveries then its usually due to formatting, so theres never a need for good/bad splits. On the other hand, if it could determine what...
  8. S

    RAW or not to RAW

    I've got recovery explorer pro but it doesnt have the option to load the ace map. I've got several other flavours of UFS and Recovery explorer but none do what you are suggesting. UFS explorer pro does it, but its very expensive :shock: I'll give it a go in trial mode but it will still be in...
  9. S

    RAW or not to RAW

    Thanks Larry, had it scanning in reclaime for about 8 hours so far LoL, few hours left before I can determine results. Looking good though :)
  10. S

    RAW or not to RAW

    Not sure how to get the best result possible from this one. Customer is a teacher, needs standard office files, pics and vids from drive. Drive had been elsewhere discussed here and after replacing the heads and weeks of imaging I've finally got all that can be read. Unread blocks are located...
  11. S

    Repair shop removed the label

    Definitely, but I've no time to deal with that drive at the moment, it's in the project box to be revisited in quieter times.
  12. S

    Repair shop removed the label

    It gets worse, but this drive is not the drive that needed recovery. This drive was used to replace the switched out drive so the repair shop could keep it. :!: Detective hat had to be worn for this one, but the bottom line is the shop took the customers faulty drive and tried to fix it...
  13. S

    Repair shop removed the label

    thats a neat little trick, thanks for that larry. wonder what could be causing the drives capacity to show up as 1TB though
  14. S

    Repair shop removed the label

    Got this little gem that had been to another repair shop, obviously missing its label. Drive is horribly unstable but SA is fine. 3K ID's it as per the label :lol: :lol: but I'm a bit confused as the label gives me the idea its a 160GB drive yet the 3K shows it to be 1TB drive. Long story...
  15. S

    what could be causing data to shift ?

    Thanks Jared, I'll give it a try and see what happens ;)
  16. S

    what could be causing data to shift ?

    Tried to isolate the cause of the shifting but to no avail. I've used different HBA, some RAID and some non-RAID, different machines, cables, dest drives etc. Seems to be luck of the draw, imaged all SAS drives in the end with no shifting but it took a few goes to get a handful perfect, weird...
  17. S

    Windows not able to read from My Passport Ultra

    If you value your data, keep the lid on the drive, stop spinning it up and trying to force it to give you its contents, and send it to a professional.
  18. S

    Ugly MFT

    It's like the out of control car that misses all the pedestrians before burying itself into a wall, but leaving the occupants uninjured :shock: I second the 'buying a lottery ticket' idea.
  19. S

    what could be causing data to shift ?

    Got this weird issue going on where I'm imaging a couple of SAS drives using DE and the images have shifted their data by a few sectors. Obviously this is causing my array to be crud. Any ideas as to what may be the culprit ? I've done several this way with 100% success but tow of them are being...
  20. S

    Need a stable 8 port SATA card, any recomendations ?

    I did think of making some images on my RAID stack and then mounting them, but it aint got enough capacity to handle this mutha so thought I'd do bare metal and wire them all up :roll: My sata's are all controlled via intel chipset and apparently intel doesn't allow port multiplying, there...
  21. S

    Need a stable 8 port SATA card, any recomendations ?

    Hi Guys Need a way to connect my 12 SATA clones of an SAS RAID job to my machine for config, any suggestion on a stable card for the job ?
  22. S

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Affecting Data Recovery Business?

    Yes same here, today they released a list of essential services to be kept running and we're on it as 'information technology and data infrastructure sector'. Don't know thats good thing or a bad thing yet :?
  23. S

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Affecting Data Recovery Business?

    We started slowing down about 15 days ago, up until then we were very busy. This past week most cases have declined recovery due to financial issues etc but some cases have paid up and some are still coming through the door. Today we had an accountant bring us a drive that an 'IT' company had...
  24. S

    WD40NMZW-59GX6S1 Spyglass ID

    Have swapped heads on this thing but struggling to get it to ID and then get past SED. I suspect platter damage on head 0 but drive is clean inside I have managed to get sector access after a lot of fiddling around but was then presented with the SED error. Trying to remedy this caused me to...
  25. S

    Nice to meet you guys!

    I bet his next post will contain links :lol: :lol:
  26. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Ok thank you, now just need to get the correct ROM on it, or trick it into giving me SA access.
  27. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    This PCB spins drive up, but stuck in BSY. This is the ROM loaded onto that PCB.
  28. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Ok thanks, tomorrow I will share the PCB numbers for all the boards I have in stock for this drive.
  29. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Tried different donor boards and managed to get some to spin up the drive by loading this firmware into it, alas, still stuck in BSY. Think its time to forget this case now.
  30. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    I used the external programmer and neither of those ROMs spun the drive up.
  31. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    I'll use the external programmer tomorrow and see if I can get one of those ROM's into the PCB.
  32. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Just used the 3000 to upload the ROM into it and now terminal is complaining with this ActiveFW : 00 FWVer : 0001 SATA PLL cal done FW - Chip mismatch !
  33. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    What ROM am I programming to my donor board ? I have already tried to take the ROM with same firmware and program it to donor board, drive spins up and still stuck in BSY. Current output from terminal: ActiveFW : 00 FWVer : 0001 SATA PLL cal done DDR size detected = 16MB DDR size detected =...
  34. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    I've got several that spin the drive up
  35. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Thanks Luke, on its way 8-)
  36. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Cool, so same model number (is the SC3 code important, I can't find models with that), firmware number (is Rev important too?) and DOM as close to 01/2015. Do I need to hot swap the PCB over or just literally take it off donor, attach to patient and off you go ?
  37. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    So, after getting some help identifying the PCB, it turns out that the PCB is not the native PCB. Taking that into account, is this drive even recoverable or am I wasting my time ?
  38. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Thanks Luke, I didn't know that. So its just the overlay modules that are important from patient pcb ?
  39. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Ok cool, so not me overlooking something. unfortunately there are over 250,000 differences :lol: between similar roms. I think whoever had it before me (or the owner) swapped the pcb thinking that will get it going. Time to call customer and get more info as this is a nightmare.
  40. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    I cannot for the life of me find a serial number in this, maybe im overlooking something but I have compared other similar roms and found nothing. I have opened a rosewood rom and found the serial number by pasting it into the search, yet with this samsung I find nothing. I have uploaded it...
  41. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Thanks for that 8-) All the 512 Kb roms I have for the 'M8E 2.5' stop at 0x7FFF0 and are filled with YYYY from line 0x3FEA0 right to the end :roll: Guess I'm gonna have to look at each line until something shows up :lol:
  42. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Im using the Acelabs one and I don't even have the line 0x80030 LoL. Can you screen shot what it looks like for me please, does it have SN or anything in same line etc. I can't see the wood for the trees at mo.
  43. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Ok thanks, searching via text aint bringing me any results and can't see it on 0x80030 line, Ill find an equivalent and try find serial in that or manually comb the hex for it. Does it display the entire serial number e.g. S32HJ9BG.... or just a portion of it ?
  44. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Any idea what line or roughly where it would be displayed in the hex ?
  45. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Yes, I only used donors who's PCB's would spin up my patient drive. Interestingly, the drive had been to another shop - before coming to me - who had declared it as dead. These other guys know nothing about hard drives, so I wonder if they replaced the PCB and as that didn't work = the end...
  46. S

    ST1000LM024 - HN-M101MBB - BSY

    Cannot seem to get this thing out of BSY mode. Drive spins up but will not ID, its not noisy, clicks or anything nasty, just refuses to play. Get following in Terminal: ActiveFW : 00 FWVer : 0001 SATA PLL cal done DDR size detected = 16MB DDR size detected = 16MB *PAUNI_L2957*PA VID=0006...
  47. S

    ST2000DM001 Donor

    Thanks Jared, I have got a pile of Z4Z's with the '164' and all working heads too, but alas, no good as donors for this case. I've got an '8E' now on its way, I hope it works LoL and I really hope the patient doesn't kill these new heads :lol: :lol: :lol: These drives are not so easy to come by.
  48. S

    ST2000DM001 Donor

    Anyone got any experience with compatible donors for this drive, using the B6 04 Pre amp ?
  49. S

    Dust particle Measuring Device

    Hasn't Jared got the Dylos particle analyser ?
  50. S

    any suggestions for my problem

    Leave that to the professionals, as soon as you open the lid to your drive, you have just dramatically reduced your chances of a successful recovery.
  51. S

    any suggestions for my problem

    Do NOT put a vacuum cleaner into a hard drive, just don't do it. Call Tawfeek !
  52. S

    Dust particle Measuring Device

    Oh yeah, I like this :D :D
  53. S

    Strange HD253GJ

    Ha ha ha ha, I'll come up with something, someday :D
  54. S

    Strange HD253GJ

    Thats cool, I understand, after all, we've got to put food on the table every day to survive. Back in the day, they were called trade secrets and respected for being just that. I'm cool, maybe one day I'll make the grade ;)
  55. S

    Strange HD253GJ

    This sounds more like a secret society :shock: Does data recovery take a back seat and other things take centre stage there ? Reminds me of having scene access all them years ago, fxp'ing races with other sites, very exclusive indeed. You guys have helped me when I've got really stuck, so if...
  56. S

    Strange HD253GJ

    8-) then I must qualify
  57. S

    Strange HD253GJ

    How does one go about gaining entrance to the special forum ? :shock:
  58. S

    Cleaning HDD Heads & Platters

    I have been using these MG Chemical ones Larry, they seem to remain in tact and I haven't noticed any fibres being dumped into the drive. I have ordered some of the lens wipe stick things to try though.
  59. S

    Cleaning HDD Heads & Platters

    Thanks Luke, I will give that a try using the tight cotton swabs I've got (need to order some of them foam ones). I'm also gonna see if distilled water takes off the IPA residue by using a tight cotton swab dipped in it, with the platter spinning.
  60. S

    Cleaning HDD Heads & Platters

    I'm getting poor results from using 99.9% IPA, it definitely leaves residue on the platter that leaves weird blobs around the sliders. After reading this thread I'm not going near Novec so I'm gonna try the acetone route with the lens wiper or a swab, and see if that gives me better results.
  61. S

    Head compatibility

    I'm going to inspect the B6 heads under the scope tomorrow and then spin them back up in the donor, if they work I'll continue trying to get another B6 set, if they're nuked then the case is getting scrapped, can't waste any more time and money on it. ;)
  62. S

    Head compatibility

    Yes the B6 I pulled from a 2015, yet Im pulling D1's from 2016/17, its like a game of pin the tail on the donkey. Your list makes for interesting reading Dave, it goes back to the ethos of if it fits, try it and see 8-) Thanks Dave
  63. S

    Head compatibility

    Im struggling to find a donor drive for this. Ive been through all the ones Ive got in stock and none have a pre amp code anywhere near whats needed. I need a B6 04 pre amp and the closest I've got is a B6 64. It did ID the drive for a moment and then it gave up doing anything else, thats the...
  64. S

    Head compatibility

    Thanks Jarad, I will order a newer donor and try that. I was just reading Ace's article on F3 donor compatibility checking so hope to be a bit more precise in the future ;)
  65. S

    Head compatibility

    Hi guys, I just want to double check compatibility before I scrap this case. Is the D drive a suitable candidate for head swapping into the P drive ? Thanks as always
  66. S

    Head cleaning under microscope

    Thanks Jared, much appreciated 8-)
  67. S

    Head cleaning under microscope

    No Problem Larry :)
  68. S

    Head cleaning under microscope

    Thanks Larry, got plenty of 99.9% IPA, what kind of brush is best to use ? I bought these blue stick things with a bristled end on them, but they look too harsh to use :o
  69. S

    Head cleaning under microscope

    What is the best method to remove dirt from heads when viewing through a microscope ? What would be used as the applicator and what would be cleaning agent ? Thanks as always for any info.
  70. S

    Multiple platter alignment, how to do

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  71. S

    G-List and P-List

    I did wonder why he copied my text as his reply.... Bye bye :lol:
  72. S

    How long was your biggest recovery?

    4 months for a customers music collection.
  73. S

    Help. Platter full of fingerprints, is there hope?

    The technology and skills needed to do a job like this exist now. The problem is this, nobody wants to work on it for free. People on this forum can do the level of work required to prepare that drive for imaging but they wont do it for free. The minimum this would need to get somebody...
  74. S

    Help. Platter full of fingerprints, is there hope?

    If Sean couldn't do it then its highly likely it cant be done, however, there are extra factors to consider in him coming to that conclusion, mainly time vs money. With several other cases to work on, each with their own tariff and time slots, its sometimes just uneconomical to thrash away at a...
  75. S

    Help. Platter full of fingerprints, is there hope?

    This is good advice, take the advice ! I'm also curious as to who this company is :?:
  76. S

    WD my cloud

    Cool, Ill get in touch with him soon and maybe we can get a handle on this thing 8-)
  77. S

    WD my cloud

    Ok, its got me baffled, I'll get it imaged on the 3000 too, I'm assuming you're offering here ? ;)
  78. S

    WD my cloud

    I mounted it today on Debian live and it mounted fine, no tools needed, the main root was present however several of the folders in the root were locked so I was unable to access them :roll: The user data is supposed to be standard image formats and some office files, I can't find anything...
  79. S

    WD my cloud

    18 hours later and same result, 343GB of nonsense comprising of 700, 000+ files. Will try and mount it with Debian live today, what tools do you guys use in linux ?
  80. S

    WD my cloud

    Decided to re-image it but use my DDI instead. Also looking at how DRE handles it. Will try other mounting options once this is done.
  81. S

    WD my cloud

    Yes it can, but its the same result as what the 3000 sees, several partitions of different flavours and the one where all the data is stored has a good folder structure but the sizeable folder where the clients data is stored is full of thousands of folders containing more sub directories that...
  82. S

    WD my cloud

    I haven't tried in Linux as I don't have a linux box. Will give that a try tomorrow using a live boot cd and see what it does. Currently have to use some WD app to live sign in to the device. Outside of that, the 3K just sees its data as junk :shock: 3 TB of loads of sub directories all just...
  83. S

    WD my cloud

    Hi guys, working on one of these and wondering if anybody has a way of mounting the (cloned) drive ? Thanks
  84. S

    The order by which data is written.

    Thanks Larry, appreciate that, I will get stuck into that page later on 8-)
  85. S

    The order by which data is written.

    When data is being saved to drive, is it done in a logical order ? Is it spread across multiple platters or is it written to 1 platter at a time ? For example; a new 1TB drive with 2 platters (4 sides @ 250GB per side) has several 100MB files written to it, are these files going to be spread...
  86. S

    G-List and P-List

    Thanks for your reply, in some models you can clear it but those that can't clear it you would move it to the P-List ? And that would make anything assigned to those addresses totally unrecoverable ?
  87. S

    G-List and P-List

    Maybe its an issue of not seeing the wood for the trees but I need some clarity from you guys. I know what both are etc. but for the purpose of data recovery, I can't get my head around the need for interfering with them. For example: moving the G-list into the P-list, serves what benefit ...
  88. S

    Big update which finally supports APFS ... DDLOtkeLOU
  89. S

    UFS Explorer - general questions

    Any metrics that allow the calculation are good with me, I love UFS and the ability to either self calculate or see real-time extraction times would be greatly received :D
  90. S

    WD My Book Duo

    I am unable to dissemble the enclosure as its going back to customer. They seem to think they can get WD to sort it out for them :lol: In the interests of this thing coming back (like a boomerang) once WD have taken an almighty turd on said customer, how could I dump from the chip on the...
  91. S

    WD My Book Duo

    Unfortunately the enclosure is nuked and I'm not entirely sure if getting another one will work, as the keys are meant to be stored on the enclosures main-board :roll:
  92. S

    WD My Book Duo

    So, these can't be recovered due to the way the encryption key is stored, great show Western Digital, great show :(
  93. S

    WD My Book Duo

    Hi guys, having an issue recreating the RAID out of one of these things. Drives have imaged nicely but something is getting in the way of a virtual raid reconstruction and I'm thinking it maybe down to the WD 256 bit AES hardware encryption ? Anybody able to shed any light on this one for me...
  94. S

    UFS Explorer - general questions

    Any chance of coding approximately how long it will take to extract into the program ?
  95. S

    Your Data Recovery Laugh of the Day

    Like the way he never showed it spun up again after that abortion. Wiping the platters with the filter, pure quality :lol: :lol:
  96. S

    UFS Explorer - general questions

    Yes the 6 day monty was tiny, size = 1 :lol: and 2TB had to come out of it. The one I was doing earlier only took 3 hours for 1TB, its just the fact I get no ETA, feels like I'm missing the party or something, not knowing.... :roll:
  97. S

    UFS Explorer - general questions

    I recently had one that took me 6 days to extract :o After the job was completed, I went back and fiddled around with it and R-Studio was accurate with its eta of approx 6 days. I was advised on a few tweaks afterwards that may have sped it up somewhat but it still wouldn't have given me an...
  98. S

    UFS Explorer - general questions

    Just wish they would put an ETA of data extraction into it, same as R-Studio. It helps keep the customer informed when you have a rough idea how long a RAID job extraction is going to take.
  99. S

    DeepSpar USB Stabilizer,

    I saw your little vid on it with MRT using a tosh, it looks like a groovy little tool to have in the toolbox 8-)
  100. S

    Thinking of getting some of these

    Got my first batch of these today and I must say they are beautifully made. Not tested them out yet, but I don't think there will be any issues, I will be buying more for sure :D
  101. S

    Phone recovery software/Hardware

    That warm glow you get from making it someone else's problem :lol: :lol:
  102. S

    DDI to DE

    Yes that's what Serge has said to do, only way to use the maps is to downgrade the 3k software, I wonder if Deepspar will alter the DRE map process so it can fit into the latest version of DE or if that's the end of that :shock:
  103. S

    DDI to DE

    Indeed there are issues, Serge has told me today that ACE Lab have removed support for legacy maps in the latest version, the map files in the 3000 are no longer bin files. Unless you are using an older version of the 3K software, it cant be done :(
  104. S

    DDI to DE

    Typical, I'm running the latest versions of both as well :roll: I'll ask Serge what the deal is, Ace don't seem to be bothered. Thanks Luke.
  105. S

    DDI to DE

    Thanks Jared, it makes sense to me now. I have definitely had one job that was started on the 3K but I had to re do it using the DDI (as it handled it better) however, I wasted 10 days in the process, if only I knew this back then :lol: I can try that tomorrow, seems logical to replace the...
  106. S

    DDI to DE

    Just fiddling around with the DDI and PC3K before the xmas break, and am curious as to why there is such a function in DRE that allows you to be able to export a LBA map that can then be imported into DE ? You can also do it the other way around (DE to DDI). - Why would you want to do that ...
  107. S

    Multiple platter alignment, how to do

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I can already see it, makes me want to cry :cry: I've spoken with a few DR professionals about this and there are definitely models it can be done with, but it seems to be an in-house secret on which models etc - fair enough. I guess building up...
  108. S

    Multiple platter alignment, how to do

    Surely not, I would have thought the alignment has to be millimetre accurate (if not more) and the human eye/hand cant work that tolerance
  109. S

    Funny Seagate terminal output

    Ha ha ha ha :lol:
  110. S

    Thinking of getting some of these

    Good to know, thanks :D
  111. S

    Thinking of getting some of these

    How is the manufacture quality on these sets ? I'm thinking of upgrading my current sets and considering trying these instead of hddsurgery ones.
  112. S

    New 4.70 firmware and DRE available

    To be honest I'm not using it that often these days, I do have 3 or 4 paid versions across 2 platforms but until recently I can't remember the last time I used it. The PC3K does most of my jobs and those it can't do get done on the DDI/DRE. I think I use Recovery Explorer Std more than R-Studio...
  113. S

    New 4.70 firmware and DRE available

    To be honest since you taught me how to use the DRE to split good from bad I quite like using the DRE now and I really like its simple but effective file list generator (ace-labs should adopt that script too). Doesn't sound like I would get much use from it then, I only see HFS+, APFS, FAT32...
  114. S

    New 4.70 firmware and DRE available

    I was looking at a used one recently but it was so expensive I didn't get it, however I would like to get one at some point. Do you utilise it instead of pcb swapping ? Does it work with USB pen drives too ? Any hidden plus points for having one ?
  115. S

    New 4.70 firmware and DRE available

    I would expect nothing less, I bet it costs you a small fortune to update all those bad boys :) Could you give an insight into having the technicians license in R-Studio and what the means for the DDI ? You're the only person I know who's got one. Does it mean you can use R-Studio instead of...
  116. S

    New 4.70 firmware and DRE available

    Have you got the USB add-on for yours ? I must admit when I saw the ability to use anything connected to the mobo as a destination drive I thought that was a good idea. Ive still got a while left on my license so its a bonus for me :) and I'll apply the update sometime this week. One thing I...
  117. S

    New 4.70 firmware and DRE available

    I haven't applied it yet, what has tempted you to buy the update ?
  118. S

    New 4.70 firmware and DRE available

    At last 8-) DDI4 & DRE V4.70 is now available! All users with an active software update license can now install the new update. If your license is expired, renewal costs $350US per DDI4 for 1 year. This version requires both the firmware and software to be updated, as described in the user...
  119. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    Its always appreciated :)
  120. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks for your help piecing the strange behaviour together Jared, I now know for next time I see one of these.
  121. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    You were right, it had been interfered with, the customer revealed he had been messing around trying to reinstall the OS. No fusion goodies to work from on the SSD as he had wiped them all out :roll: I was able to get SSD files with a structure and intact but the spinner had to make do with...
  122. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    Jared, you sir are a genius 8-)
  123. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    So the latest R studio on the Mac sees the APFS partitions yet theres still no indication of recreating the fusion LoL Tried some fiddling with the utility and loading the SSD image into it together with the HDD but still nada fusion. So far have ascertained that the files can be recovered...
  124. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    Really wouldn't surprise me, they are dim, although they like to send work my way so can't complain too much :) In Recovery Explorer the file structure is weird though, most of the data is inside the untitled folder. Ive opened a lot of pics and pdf's with no problems off the SSD I've since...
  125. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    Its better than nothing LoL, at least this is an option when all else fails. Not sure how well it would work when they want their Lightroom stuff or iPhoto stuff.... RAW is ugly :D :D :D I will try the HFS+ spinner in R-Studio on the Mac tomorrow, I'm sure that version can see APFS. That...
  126. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    ok cool, its only giving me a raw recovery option however testing a few jpegs and they open without issues. I'll try the photorec program and see how that gets on. Would you expect to get the files out as RAW data in a case like this ?
  127. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    Is this in R-Studio ?
  128. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    These LBA's are positive and within range of the drive (5 billion left after these) I've got the network version of R-Studio on the 3K rig and I've also got the Mac version on the MacBook Pro. Both of them just see both drives as independent drives, I haven't tried to create a virtual...
  129. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    You could be right, I re-read your original post and I will try to create an image (using utility) from both drives within OSX tomorrow. I'm thinking I'll have to use high Sierra to do it as 1 volume is APFS. What version of R-Studio do you use ? And are you using the Mac version of that to...
  130. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    So far I am losing this battle :( Imaged the spinner on the 3K, head #2 is horrible but will read using the utility option, haven't read the entire platter for head #2 as it will take forever. Imaged onto 4TB bare metal and set max LBA. The partition on the spinner is messed up but...
  131. S

    Sector Edit and Hex code

    Thanks Amarbir
  132. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    I've only got the standard PC-3000 so thats not much use in this case of fusion rebuilding, however, I did try some things with R-Studio and it didn't reveal anything other than the 2 separate drives etc. There is some strange goings on that Ive noticed though. The SSD is APFS yet the spinner...
  133. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    Thanks Amarbir, tried that but it doesn't seem to be very helpful in my case (not sure why yet)
  134. S

    Recovery from Apple Fusion

    Have had this case come in, DM has failed heads possibly with media damage but the SSD is functional. Fusion setup of 128GB / 3 TB (ST3000DM001). Not done one of these fusion recoveries before so not entirely sure how to go about stitching them back together once imaged etc. Does anybody have...
  135. S

    Sector Edit and Hex code

    Thanks Jared, I will spend some time on that. Im aware of people editing the hex to enable access to file systems that tools can't sort out. Im also aware of some of the uses of being able to interpret hex; e.g order of RAID drives and type of RAID etc so its an area I need to learn more of :)
  136. S

    Sector Edit and Hex code

    Ok thanks Jared, yes I understand something is being looked for, I just don't know enough of what those little gems are, thanks for pointing me in the right direction for learning them ;) (the random sector has now been removed)
  137. S

    Sector Edit and Hex code

    I would like to know more about looking at data in sectors represented in hex format. I know this can help with awkward recoveries but I feel I don't know enough about this side of it and would appreciate any help increasing my understanding of this side of recovery practice. I understand that...
  138. S

    SAMSUNG HN-M101MBB Compatible heads ?

    That should make life a bit easier when working through the donors, thank you so much for your help 8-)
  139. S

    SAMSUNG HN-M101MBB Compatible heads ?

    Ok, in here ? ActiveFW : 00 FWVer : 0001 SATA PLL cal done DDR size detected = 8MB DDR size detected = 8MB *PAUNI_L2957*PA VID=0006 PN=0009 Rev=0002- PA_UNI Found *PAUNI_L2957*PA VID=0006 PN=0009 Rev=0002- PA_UNI FoundU S_0SHK NF Cal:22 SO_1 SPU@14'C,4912mV IS=3 CLA ..36/76 HO..OK HO RPM=666...
  140. S

    SAMSUNG HN-M101MBB Compatible heads ?

    Which bit shows me the preamp info please ? ..OK |, ÄGT:386 SC(L):4104/47 BE.N:20 LD..OK SK C: 2628 H:0 SR:3 AP:1 C: 2628-> 7347 H:2->2 AP Cnt: 28 UD..OK : 47 PK_1 C: 2628 H:2 GT:387 SC(L):4111/12 BE.N:22 LD..NoGray UD..OK : 12 PK_3 C: 0 H:2 GT:387 SC(L):4112/12 BE.N:17 LD..NoGray...
  141. S

    SAMSUNG HN-M101MBB Compatible heads ?

    Got one of these 'SAMSUNG HN-M101MBB' come in and it needs heads, amongst other things, but I can't find a compatible donor that won't break the bank. I've got a pile of the Seagate / Samsung ST1000LM024 in my stocks and they seem to share the same HN model number but unsure if they would work...
  142. S


  143. S

    Temperature for removing ROM chips

    Thanks Larry, I will get some this week and do some experimenting :D
  144. S

    Temperature for removing ROM chips

    Im doing it under a magnifier lamp as I can't see it properly :lol: so getting the air nozzle in whilst its straight up has been really awkward. Once my new bits arrive I will continue practicing 8-) Thanks guys
  145. S

    Temperature for removing ROM chips

    I can't use a pre heater for the PCB as I don't have one and Im struggling with the straight nozzle on the machine, so Ive ordered an angled nozzle instead. Need to calibrate the temperatures as well as I don't think its chucking 400 degrees out the end like the display says :roll:
  146. S

    Temperature for removing ROM chips

    What's a good temperature to use (for the hot air machine) for getting the ROM chips off the PCB's ? Obviously without nuking them etc ?
  147. S

    Apple 2013+ SSD 12+16 pins adapter

    Ok so its possible via the DDI SSD add-on but success rates are @ 20% :shock:
  148. S

    Apple 2013+ SSD 12+16 pins adapter

    Ace need to get on top of it pronto. We see quite a few of these, mainly liquid damaged, but being unable to do much with them is frustrating. I did wonder if the USB add-on for the DDI4 would be any good at handling them ? Maybe Luke knows if thats so ? Suppose could always image working ones...
  149. S

    Apple 2013+ SSD 12+16 pins adapter

    So my next question is :D .... How can I get this SSD hooked up then, surely there must be a way ?
  150. S

    Apple 2013+ SSD 12+16 pins adapter

    12+16 pin SSD USB adapter M.2 adapter M.2 to sata Notch in wrong place M.2 to sata Notch in wrong place Does that help highlight my dilemma ?
  151. S

    Apple 2013+ SSD 12+16 pins adapter

    Thanks Luke will add some on Monday when Im back in the office. Have a good weekend ;)
  152. S

    Apple 2013+ SSD 12+16 pins adapter

    I'm trying to find a way to connect this via SATA. I've got the 12+16 pcie to USB board but cant interface that with the 3K or the DDI4. I've got the 12+16 pcie to m.2 but the notch is in the wrong place for m.2 to sata Is there a way to do it or am I at a brick wall here ?
  153. S

    Compatible for smart hot swapping

    This job is turning into a monster. Got a WD10JMVW-11AJGS3 (DCM:EHMT2BNB) and need to find a comparable donor but I can't find one with the exact matching DCM. Its looking like Ive got to do a smart hot swap but don't know it I can get away with a slightly different match or not. Any help...
  154. S

    Best place to get these ?

    Im going to order some from mouser and eBay and see what turns up ;)
  155. S

    Best place to get these ?

    Its in one of the manuals I got with the PC-3000
  156. S

    Best place to get these ?

    Thanks Larry, Ive found some on eBay that I think will do the job. The ideal sata header is a 67490-125 but I can't find that exact part :roll:
  157. S

    Best place to get these ?

    Whats the best place to get these sata connectors from ? Is it as simple as cutting them off older PCB boards or are they something you can buy ready to solder with ?
  158. S

    What is a 'smart hot swap' ?

    Thank you, I now understand whats involved. The deepspar article makes it sound not so bad but the ace labs video shows how complex that can be :shock:
  159. S

    What is a 'smart hot swap' ?

    I see the term mentioned but can't quite understand whats going on ? Can someone who knows give me the lowdown on it please ? Thanks
  160. S

    PC-3000 for Phones

    :shock: Wow, strapped in for pricing :lol:
  161. S

    DDI4 - unreadable sectors - & DRE

    Hopefully this month 8-)
  162. S

    DDI4 - unreadable sectors - & DRE

    All sorted running 4.60 firmware and DRE, must say its a marked improvement on 4.41, very happy with that upgrade. Serge says there is another firmware upgrade about to be released soon :D I'm definitely a fan boy of the DDI. Thanks again for your help Luke, this has helped me polish the...
  163. S

    DDI4 - unreadable sectors - & DRE

    I think that must be in the latest version as its not in mine (v4.41). Im just waiting for DeepSpar to initiate my upgrade request so I can be on the latest firmware and DRE (x64). Thanks Luke :D
  164. S

    DDI4 - unreadable sectors - & DRE

    Ohhhh this is the missing information I needed :D :D :D Thanks so much Luke 8-) Cant wait to try this out tomorrow, I knew there had to be a way, soooo pleased. How are you generating file lists from DRE ?
  165. S

    DDI4 - unreadable sectors - & DRE

    I gave it a try today but it still pulls out corrupted files. Its a shame the DRE can identify which files are corrupted, label them as such but not have any ability to save them - other than save the lot - mystifying :?: :?: :shock:
  166. S

    DDI4 - unreadable sectors - & DRE

    Got a case with tons of music files, thousands of them, and there is quite a lot of unreadable sectors. Question is, how does the DRE separate the good files from the bad files upon extraction ? On drives with zero unread I would use R-Studio to extract from destination but this has too many...
  167. S

    Hello Everyone - from Colorado

  168. S

    DDI4 same same but different ?

    I dont believe Ive seen that :?:
  169. S

    DDI4 same same but different ?

    Cool, I did wonder why it seems better on certain cases, now I know :D :D
  170. S

    DDI4 same same but different ?

    I prefer the DDI for imaging media damaged drives as I don't think the 3K is as good at that task. I find it to be a good tool to just set a job up on and leave it to do its thing for days on end.
  171. S

    DDI4 same same but different ?

    I spoke with Serge and have organised the update but it will now have to wait for a week as Im going away. Something to look forward to for when I get back. Thanks again Sam.
  172. S

    DDI4 same same but different ?

    Thanks Sam, I think mine is missing that update which allows it. If I press 1,2 or 3 during imaging it just stops the imaging LoL. Time to invest in updating the firmware :)
  173. S

    DDI4 same same but different ?

    Why do they have slightly different displays, is this due to the firmware being different ?
  174. S

    Strange drives configuration, any ideas ?

    The lengths these laptop manufacturers go too so as to be able to sell it as having an 'SSD' :lol:
  175. S

    Strange drives configuration, any ideas ?

    As I suspected, it is some sort of 'Fusion type' setup, but for windows (Intel® Smart Response Technology). Its basically the same as apples fusion turd, a 32GB SSD cache drive that caches regularly accessed files etc..... see this intel manual for more info >> As for the users data, it was...
  176. S

    Multiple platter alignment, how to do

    My thoughts are the human element of realigning the marked platters and how they would be to poor to be reliable. Yet, somehow small data recovery shops are managing to do this trick, somehow :?
  177. S

    Multiple platter alignment, how to do

    How do you mark them though ?
  178. S

    Multiple platter alignment, how to do

    Some of the physically damaged drives need the platters cleaning before rebuilding into donors etc, how are they being geometrically re-aligned ? Do you even need to align them or is it nonsense ? I'm curious as to what the technique is thats used for aligning multiple platters ? $6,000,000...
  179. S

    Strange drives configuration, any ideas ?

    I'll try to explain this as best as I can, the drives are from a dead Dell laptop, fresh from Hong Kong, but with a weird drive configuration. I'm wondering if windows has been setup like OSX would be on a fusion setup, however I've never seen that before. 1 x 32GB Hynix SSD (PCI-e) 1 x 1TB...
  180. S

    What do these numbers represent

    Thank you
  181. S

    Is there an option for ....

    In DRE (on the DDI) you can 'map LBA to file'. Is there a similar function in DE ?
  182. S

    PC 3000 Templates video

  183. S

    What is this value ?

    Thanks Jared :D
  184. S

    What is this value ?

    Case is 398.6GB total size Current read speed 133.00KB But I don't get what the 4.0 GB is referring to ? Anybody help me with this please ?
  185. S

    PC 3000 Templates video

    CPU not PSU :)
  186. S

    PC 3000 Templates video

    Fair comment Luke, how is it on processing power ? Do you need a beast of a CPU to work it on all 4 channels at once ?
  187. S

    PC 3000 Templates video

    Wow, around half the price of the PC3K UDMA-E, but half the product ? LoL.... I can see the attractive pricing structure would appeal to people but wouldn't you rather have a DDI4 for that kind of money ? or have you too many already :lol:
  188. S

    PC 3000 Templates video

    Ok I see, I've little knowledge of MRT other than it claims to be able to access a locked seagate diagnostic port that the PC3K cannot. How much does it cost ?
  189. S

    PC 3000 Templates video

    Ahh bit like on the DDI4 ?
  190. S

    PC 3000 Templates video

    Im interested in what logic does DE lack handling heads, when compared to MRT ?
  191. S

    PC 3000 Templates video

    I am using his idea on an awkward case this week, I like it :D
  192. S

    PC 3000 Templates video

    Hi guys, been trying to get to grips with all the wonderful things my PC 3000 does :shock: :shock: and came across this guys version of imaging with DE whilst utilising multiple passes (looks like the same principles as a DDI). Any thoughts on his way of doing it ...
  193. S

    HFS catalogue file corrupted

    Certainly 8-) I like it on here better than the other place so this would be where I would reach out. You guys actually help, rather than ridicule.... the help is very much appreciated.
  194. S

    HFS catalogue file corrupted

    Thats ok, I have a mind that works and the ability to learn quite quickly :) Looking forward to it, thanks for the heads up.
  195. S

    HFS catalogue file corrupted

    your probably right, I only use mac drive to allow me to generate my file lists for the recovered data on a HFS+ dump, R-Explorer is good enough for me for now 8-)
  196. S

    HFS catalogue file corrupted

    Thanks Jared you saved the day, once I was able to use a Mac with high Sierra on it, all was good. I bought R-Explorer and that was pretty good at getting the data out of my APFS DDI image on a Mac with normal Sierra on it. Customer will be so pleases his stuff is as he remembers it :lol...
  197. S

    HFS catalogue file corrupted

    I'll buy it tomorrow and have a go, probably basic as you say. I used reclaime the other week to get the best stripe for a RAID set, do you rate there paid for version ? Im getting excited as well now due to being in a position to possibly buy a PC3000 next month :D
  198. S

    HFS catalogue file corrupted

    Strewth, I was only reading about that last week as well and thought it would be a while before I saw an APFS job so completely forgot all about it LoL. I'll give that a whirl when I get into the office tomorrow and see what happens (I never upgrade OSX right away, just nasty), I hope to see...
  199. S

    HFS catalogue file corrupted

    Hi Jared, thanks for your reply. 1. Tried DiskWarrior (can't even see disk), R-Studio and Data Rescue 4, both yield same results RAW files only (data files are opening ok). 2. 100% certain, it arrived in a MacBook Pro still switched on and behaving erratically, all Ive done is shut it down and...
  200. S

    HFS catalogue file corrupted

    Got an ongoing case where the only option that yields the clients data is through dealing with it as RAW data. Unfortunately all his file names, structures etc are toasted and everything is just being lumped together in various forms. The customer has more office documents than Microsoft...
  201. S

    RAID 10 case

    Sure thing, thanks Jared, I'm sure that day will arrive where theres not enough space on the internet for me to type whats going on with a data recovery case, involving a RAID scenario, thats got me crying and is way outside my pay grade :lol: :lol: :lol:
  202. S

    RAID 10 case

    R-Studio 8-) Very pleased, data is mostly corrupted, but I think once one of the drives is swapped with one of the other mirrors, it will yield a result. Once again many thanks Jared, certainly learned something new today :D :geek:
  203. S

    File list tools ?

    ....and if they do, dolphin labs will quickly package it up and sell it on their site for $299 with free shipping, like that POS book I bought from them :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  204. S

    File list tools ?

    I was told this had been discontinued due to not many people using it, I think its been discussed on their forums last year.
  205. S

    RAID 10 case

    Thats clever, I like that trick with the hex editor and offline drives, swapping for the mirror 8-) Ive not used R-Studio to do a virtual raid build yet, so Ive got a steep learning curve on this one, but you've given me a lot to take in and to practice. I also see R-Studio auto detects the...
  206. S

    RAID 10 case

    Thanks Jared, I'm going to have a play around with the R-Studio way of doing it so I can get to grips with it. Quick question to you, if this was a 16 disk RAID 10 array, is the principle the same ? 8 disks would be 1 stripe and 8 would be the mirror, so you would just work with which set of 8...
  207. S

    RAID 10 case

    :D Jared to the rescue Tried to assemble the stripes 'only' (1 x RAID 0) based on what I think the 2 disks are and voila, UFS pro is now showing me 6 named partitions. I think Im going to have to faff about though as these look messed up, will need to look at the other stripe too and also...
  208. S

    RAID 10 case

    This server box has sustained a drive failure, so customer has replaced a drive and successfully rebuilt the array at which point another drive in the array died. The server doesn't boot up at all now and the case has come to us due to it being a complete mess. To me, it looks like 1 stripe had...
  209. S

    RAID 10 case

    Ive been working on a 4 disk RAID 10 case and trying to rebuild the RAID in UFS pro. (using 4 bare drive DDI images) There are supposed to be 6 partitions within the array, that contain important data, but my rebuild isn't really showing me any of these, I just seem to be getting loads of...
  210. S

    File list tools ?

    Thanks very much for this, I will look into it further as I like the method of getting the customer to select the files they want ;)
  211. S

    File list tools ?

    Luke, I presume this would be the 'ImgReports' tab in the DRE ? Im still using a DDI3 with DRE 3.2 at the moment, I blew a DDI4 up :oops:
  212. S

    File list tools ?

    Thats way better than just a txt file etc, I really like that Larry, thank you :D
  213. S

    File list tools ?

    If you don't have a PC-3000 (like me) what is the preferred way of generating file lists to pass on to customer on whats recoverable etc ? Thanks in advance guys.
  214. S

    RAID 5, 6 or 10 best for my DAS

    I'm really glad you said that LoL :D Thanks Jared
  215. S

    RAID 5, 6 or 10 best for my DAS

    Ive got 4 Toshiba X300 6TB for now, hopefully they will be suitable until its time to upgrade the whole stack.
  216. S

    RAID 5, 6 or 10 best for my DAS

    At some point I hope to upgrade the stack to at least 8 disks and fool around with some different configurations but thats for next year. I did look at the Areca DAS RAID servers but they are out of my budget range for now. RAID 10 is my favourite, used it in tons of applications for many many...
  217. S

    RAID 5, 6 or 10 best for my DAS

    Mines only a baby I don't know how highpoint compare to Areca ? I would imagine RAID 6 not to be that effective with just 4 disks LoL Probably better sticking with RAID 10 as that gives me faster reads and writes and redundancy.
  218. S

    RAID 5, 6 or 10 best for my DAS

    I was going to utilise a RAID 10 setup on my new Rocketstor DAS but I though I might ask you guys what you would consider the better to use ? This will be used for storing the customers data, post imaging, and before moving to clients new media. Thanks in advance
  219. S

    Best method of storage arrangement of donor drives ?

    I forgot about that, nice ;), will spend some time using that tomorrow @ work You have reminded me that I need to take better care of mine :)
  220. S

    Best method of storage arrangement of donor drives ?

    Thanks, Ive just had them by brands and then sizes but theres so many to dig through LoL, but I certainly should create a searchable document 8-) Ive seen them somewhere, racks of them arranged by the head code, thought that was quite cool... but perhaps a little too OCD at this moment in...
  221. S

    Best method of storage arrangement of donor drives ?

    Im looking for advice on how best to organise the storage of my donor drives. I have circa 500 3.5's and roughly the same in 2.5's but aside from branding and size is there a more efficient solution ? How do you guys organise yours ? Thanks in advance.
  222. S

    WD Family Search

    Nice, Ive just learned something, yet again, every day is a school day :D