Ace Lab's New Spider Board for Monoliths


Staff member
Not sure if you guys saw this yet:


Seems pretty cool and much easier than soldering a million wires under a microscope.

I guess I just wonder how well it'll work if you need to re-arrange and overlap the pins. Are they all a slightly different height? Can you re-arrange what they correspond to in the system?


It's not a new idea, but definitely useful
this atpter was presented at a conference in Prague
Too bad, it's quite expensive
I would prefer soldering to a spider and never feel secure it actually connecting to the pad ,Secondly eleven pressure to the critical crystal inside a monolith is too risky ,


I have 4 of these in total. So simple to use, especially since we have many users, both experienced and inexperienced with soldering. The problem I find with this is the lack of support from Acelab for a number of monolith devices which renders the adapter useless in many cases, unless a connection between the VNR monolith adapter and the spider adapter is made which can be done quite simply, but it is a pain in the ass :roll: