backblaze drive stats q2 17


Staff member
Looks like the 4Tb DM001's aren't faring much better than the 3Tb ones did. Albeit a smaller pool and all. But, as expected Toshiba and HGST the normal reliability winners. Exactly matches what I'm seeing here for failures.

I expect we'll be seeing DM's come in for the next decade or so (if any actually last that long).


I'm confused at how they came up with such astronomical failure rates for those Seagate, with the figures provided, but I don't doubt them. No doubt they are projecting failure rates on a daily basis, rather than the quarterly results shown.

BackBlase 2017 Q2 Results.jpg


Staff member
I think the number of failures is just what failed that quarter. The failure rate I suspect is the total percentage that have failed since they went into service.