How to Get Free SnackVideo Unlimited Diamonds Legally

Right now, some SnackVideo`s users are looking for diamonds or gems coins for free without buying from the app directly

As you know that SnackVideo can be said as a kind of live steaming video app for iso android users who are looking for a video platform to create and watch short videos with basic editing tools that can be accessed from ios android devices

SnackVideo offers their users the ability to create, watch, and share short videos with various editing features
However, SnackVideo also features diamonds as the virtual currency in the app that can be used to purchase virtual goods in the application, where you must purchase these diamonds with real cash

But, SnackVideo app itself also offers their users to get SnackVideo diamonds for free by completing the missions provided by Snack Video.
In daily basis, Snack Video application provides daily missions to their users to collect lots of diamonds.

Such daily missions are like to watch predefined videos, share videos, or also invite friends to download the Snack Video application.
After completing the mission, you will get diamonds as a reward.

To get more free SnackVideo diamonds, you can also get them by inviting friends to join and install SnackVideo application.
Every time a friend you invite your friends to use SnackVideo application, you will automatically get diamonds as a gift.
The more friends you invite, the more diamonds you will get.

On the other side, Snack Video application often holds special events that allow users to win diamonds as a prize.
In such special event, you can take part in video competitions or lottery events to win diamond prizes.

For those who want to take part in this special event held by SnackVideo app officially, you must follow the instructions provided by Snack Video.
Related to this circumstance, you can sell emoticons or coins in SnackVideo application to get a diamond.
Note that the price of virtual goods sold by SnackVideo`s users will be based on the market demand.

Moreover, you can also get diamonds in SnackVideo application by checking in or logging in every day.
Every time, you successfully login to your SnackVideo account, you will get free diamond as a prize.
The longer the check-in time, the greater the diamond prizes that you can get.

However, check-in is open only in SnackVideo application, but you can also check in at the events presented by the app.
Usually, checking in at events on SnackVideo app will give you more than regular check-in on the app.
Well, on certain days, the login or check-in prize will give you bigger diamonds as a prize.
Apart from using the methods above to get free diamonds, you can also get them by becoming a content creator in SnackVideo application.

In addition, if you want to get diamonds for your SnackVideo account fast, you can simply join free SnackVideo diamonds promotional event here

Free SnackVideo Diamonds Promotional Event