Well we're closing in on it. The cloning finished without a hitch - and now I've got two drives that won't mount!
I got the error message when I double clicked on it to mount it: (had to copy this out longhand - I don't know how to keep those messages as a file)
Error mounting /dev/sdc4 at media /dave/ 7a0802210801dd4f: command line "mount -t "ntfs" -o
"unhelper = udisks2, nodev, nosuid, uid = 1000" /dev/sdc4" "/media/dave/7a0802210801dd4f exited with non zero exit status 14:
The disk contains an unclean file system (0,0)
Metadata kept in Windows cache refused to mount
Failed to mount '/dev/sdc4': Operation not permitted
The NTFS partitioni s in an unsafe state please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting) or mount volume read only with 'ro' option.
I do not know how to put together the command line for mounting.
I believe we mount partitions - got told on a forum recently, maybe this one - and was hoping I could mount the data partition of this windows disk simply to read the data, rather than have to mount the whole 'windows' disk: thereby avoiding mounting options or instructions that precede a disk built to boot.
Or to put it another way I was hoping to merely clone the data from this windows disk and leave the 'windows' folder and all such technical os stuff alone.
Maybe i can do that now? On this cloned disk?
And the 'rescue' of the original disk looks almost trivial now, surely? I mean if i presume this new clone disk that I've just made unmountable by cloning can easily be put back into the state it was before the clone then presumably so can the original bad disk.
Despite what the shop says the original (Western Digital, 'WD') is as healthy as the SMART test said it was - the whole problem is a Windows problem. Would you say?