Need Help

Hello Everyone,

Am new to the Data Recovery Industry, Just bought my PC-3000 UDMA. Its new and strange to me, dont even know where to start from.

Please help me.

I have so many hard disk to practice with, but I dont seem to understand anything, and their manual is not to teach.

Please will appreciate any assistance you can give.

Thank you.


My first advice is that you read the case studies on the forum, check other people problems and solutions.
Try to read the more that you can.
Unfortunately don't expect anyone to spoonfeed on this,
Or maybe you can get someone that can explain you the works, but paying.
Thanks pclab.
I have a 250 Hitachi, making clicking sound, I try connecting to my PC3000 but couldnt identify the family of the drive.
the model is HDP725025GLA380 dont know how to go about it.


Staff member
If the drive is clicking it most likely needs new read write heads. Does it ever stop clicking and come ready? (DRD & DSC lights on)


Staff member
You can likely still read the NV-RAM (needed to reprogram another PCB) by removing the PCB from the hard drive and connecting it to PC-3000. Just be sure to check the box that says "PCB only" when loading the utility.

That way you can try programming a new PCB to rule out any issues there. However I strongly suspect that the issue is the read write heads. With Hitachi that is the case 99% of the time.


Hello Banky,

start with some good working drive(not customer), to become fammiliar tool/interface.
Read and re read manuals and case studies,...
Thank you @jerovsek. there are no case studies in the manual. where can i get some. I really need them.
I have been reading the manuals though.