Here's a little excel tool I built to convert Seagate date codes into actual dates:
Hope it helps someone who's having difficulty understanding how the code works.
The basic formula is:
First Two Digits = Year (E.G. 08 = 2008 However it's the fiscal year starting the first Saturday in July of the previous year, strange I know)
Next Two Digits = Week of year (numbered 1-52)
Last Digit = Day of Week (numbered 1-7)
The calculator basically splits up the digits, then starting from the first Saturday in July of the year adds 7 days for each week and one day for each day of the week in the code. Then it subtracts 8 days since the code really starts on week 1 day 1, not week 0 day 0.
Hope it helps someone who's having difficulty understanding how the code works.
The basic formula is:
First Two Digits = Year (E.G. 08 = 2008 However it's the fiscal year starting the first Saturday in July of the previous year, strange I know)
Next Two Digits = Week of year (numbered 1-52)
Last Digit = Day of Week (numbered 1-7)
The calculator basically splits up the digits, then starting from the first Saturday in July of the year adds 7 days for each week and one day for each day of the week in the code. Then it subtracts 8 days since the code really starts on week 1 day 1, not week 0 day 0.