"support of named data streams" means?


New member
Today when i tested a data recovery program, on its official site, the developer says this program "support of named data streams and NTFS compressed files". I'm not quite understand the meaning of this sentence. I surmise that the developer means their data recovery program can use the Data Streams to find more lost data, but i'm not sure. I google it and found the Data Streams refers to "Alternate Data Stream" in NTFS but i am still confused now. Anyone can explain this sentence for me?

In addition, the data recovery program i tested also has a feature saying "Unicode support", what does this mean? Does it refer to a binary file editor like Hex editor?

Thanks in advance.


Staff member
You can read up about alternate data streams here: http://blogs.technet.com/b/askcore/arch ... -ntfs.aspx

It seems to be something mostly used by Microsoft to store extra information about specific files, though it is used by other programs as well. I suppose it could be handy to locate certain files if the filesystem is badly damaged and can't be fully read. Though I've never found it to be of much use. R-Studio supports it as well.

Unicode support has to do with files that have non-standard letters in their file names such as Chinese characters. Some data recovery programs will generate a ton of boxes or other blank symbols when recovering files named with Unicode because they don't fully support it.