The Brain Booster™ PDF eBook by Christian Goodman



The Brain Booster is an easy-to-follow program created by Dr. Christian Goodman and launched by Blue Heron Health News. Inside this book, users will learn different strategies to keep proper blood supply to the brain and keep healthy brain functions.

Dr. Christian Goodman believes that when we deal with any stressful situation, our brain requires proper nutrients to deal with it. It is where people can take help from The Brain Booster. This guide contains simple strategies to keep healthy brain functions.

Can The Brain Booster supercharge your brain? Does Brain Booster really work? What will users learn from this book? Find out everything you need to know inside this detailed Brain Booster review.

What is The Brain Booster eBook?​

The Brain Booster is an eBook that contains simple exercises that you can use to improve cognitive functions like memory, focus, and concentration. This book contains a series of exercises that you can complete to improve brain functions.

These exercises based on principles of neuroscience by doing them, users can improve their brain functions regardless of age. These exercises are designed to increase memory, develop cognitive health, and enhance overall mental health.

These exercises are scientifically proven to develop concentration. In short, this is an easy-to-follow program that makes your brain function properly.

How Does The Brain Booster Really Work?​

The Brain Booster guide works on a simple principle of increasing the brain’s oxygenic and nutrient-rich blood supply. It is because the single most powerful method for increasing cognitive functions is to improve blood flow.

Dr. Christian Goodman works by switching on the signal in the body that promotes blood supply to the brain. This program does its work in three steps:
  • Improve Breathing
  • Repairing Muscles That Restrict Blood Flow
  • Increasing Oxygen Directly To the Brain
According to Dr. Christian, an average person breathes in oxygen and breathes out carbon dioxide 20,000 times a day. Inside the program, users will learn how to breathe in a way to get maximum advantage with it.

Dr. Christian has also designed simple exercises to repair muscles that influence the blood flow to the brain. He teaches how exercises can relax these muscles and prevent obstructions.

What you will get inside the Brain Booster eBook?​

As mentioned above, The Brain Booster is an easy-to-follow program that provides simple exercises and breathing techniques to improve blood flow to the brain. These techniques restore normal brain functions by repairing brain cells.

This eBook begins with the introduction of the program, what benefits you can expect, and the science behind these exercises. All sections are short and easy to read.

Here is a brief overview of these four categories:

Body Balance Exercises:​

Some exercises provided in this section are Calf Drop, Sitting Floor, Freeing the Neck, Feet on the Wall, and more. All these exercises target the neck area and make the body pump more blood to the brain. It will help free lung and breathing passages so you can inhale and exhale properly.

Breathing Exercises:​

In this section, Dr. Christian has provided three exercises, which are Rhythmic Walking, Nostril Balance, and Breathing Laugher. All these exercises will make your body inhale and exhale more efficiently and they are beneficial for health. Since these exercises are short, Dr. Christian suggests doing these exercises every hour you are awake.

Head Muscle Exercises:​

In this section, Dr. Christian has provided four exercises, which are chewing, about to Yawn, Tongue Rolling, and Delightful Surprise. All these exercises are designed to relax muscles around the brain to promote blood flow in the brain. Moreover, these exercises will improve eye health as well.

Mind Body Exercise:​

This section includes only one exercise, and that is 1-2-3-4 exercise because this is the single most powerful exercise for increasing blood to the brain. Several studies proved that this exercise relaxes muscles around the brain to promote blood supply. Dr. Christian strongly recommends this exercise for healthy brain function in old age.

Along with these exercises, The Brain Booster guide also provides optional steps to continue improving your cognitive functions and prevent the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other old-age mental problems.

What Are Benefits You Can Expect With The Brain Booster?​

Here are some results you can expect by using these exercises regularly:

Improving and Maintaining Blood Supply:​

Dr. Christian has provided exercises that improve and maintain proper blood supply into the brain. These exercises improve blood flow and prevent blood clots. They will keep the brain functioning properly even in old age.

According to Dr. Christian, a proper blood supply is necessary for healthy brain functions. Moreover, these exercises prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and other cognitive disorders.

These exercises are easy and fun to use. They will improve cognitive functions and prevent cognitive disorders.

Improving Oxygen Supply:​

The exercises recommended in this program are designed to improve circulation and oxygen to the brain. They all improve cognitive functions and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Moreover, this program improves sleep quality and eliminates stress. In short, this program provides an affordable way to increase brain health.

Additionally, this book is available online and easily accessible. You can download it and start following it in a few minutes.

Deliver Quick and Safe Results:​

Many people have used this cognitive program to experience results in a short period. This program includes exercises to boost memory, focus, and concentration.

Moreover, this program provides scientifically proven exercises to improve memory and other cognitive functions. These exercises are designed fun and enjoyable so that users will stay energized. Therefore, users will get results in a short period.

What Is the Cost of the Brain Booster eBook?​

The Brain Booster eBook is not expensive, and Dr. Christian has made this program affordable for everyone.

This Brain Booster program is available in PDF/eBook format for a one-time payment of $47. This is a one-time payment, and there are no occurring charges. Once you complete the payment, you can download it from the members’ area.

You can also purchase the physical version of the program by paying a few extra charges for printing and shipping.

You can visit the Blue Heron Health News official website and download it by paying $49. You will also get free lifetime updates when you purchase it from the official website.

Dr. Christian Goodman also offers a 60-day money-back guarantee to ensure investment safety. If you are still waiting for results as claimed on the official website, you can return the program and get your money back.


Brain exercises are one of the effective ways to keep memory sharp and delay the onset of various mental disorders. Dr. Christian has created a short and fun workbook for people who want to improve their overall mental health.

Dr. Christian got the idea of developing this book from the need to provide effective brain exercises to patients that have MCI. All the brain-exercise books available on the internet designed for people with no cognitive impairment. For this reason, it is difficult for people with memory problems to get benefits from them.

The Brain Booster is a cognitive training program designed for people who want to improve their memory and other cognitive functions. This book contains fun and challenging exercises so users can enjoy them.

The Brain Booster guide has helped people boost their memory, focus, and concentration. Some brain experts believe brain exercises are for everyone, but others believe they are only for people with memory issues.

If you are looking for effective brain exercises by a cognitive specialist to boost your memory, then The Brain Booster eBook is for you.



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