Yeah, this one is a bit pricey. Usually you can find one for $30 or so, but seems that this one is harder to come by. I've probably got a couple of them lying around, but I like to keep them handy even though I've got DE. I don't know why.
I'm sure it is cheaper, but hard to know if you'll get the My Book with the right board or a slightly different one. I kind of wish I'd kept track of what drives I pulled these bridge boards out of, but I didn't.
Right, but he already has that PCB. The issue is that he needed to convert to SATA to image around the bad sectors (I'm assuming) and now has encrypted data on the destination. So unless it's from the same family and you can program the USB PCB to work on the destination drive, that won't do any good.
Larry is right, "pclab's" initial problem was a bad PCB, that's why he cloned the drive with a SATA and realized the encryption problem afterwards, so a new PCB will do the trick too.
Thanks for all the inputs.
Yeah, the initial problem was the bad PCB (the client even tried to swap it).
But what I was trying to say/do is how to get a working drive with the same encryption chip, because buying a PCB is almost the same price as getting as working drive. And a working drive can always be more helpfull.
I see that's not easy to find one though....