Ok, thanks.
Just to be clear, can I partition my 2TB drive (NewDrive) into one 510GB partition (A) and one 1500GB partition(B)?
- so i do a 1 pass image of OldDrive to NewDrive partition B, where I also store the log file;
- then I try the same DDrescue command but with a 3 pass trigger to the same destination (NewDrive partition B) pointing to same log file location?
will that then try to do a more complete restoration to the same image file?
-Now I have the image file processed with additional passes (if the drive dies while doing the additional passes, ill the image file be compromised in any way?) on NewDrive partition B, can I try and fix it any more, how can I check its health?
- My final question, if I used partitions, will I be able to read from partition B and write to partition A simultaneously as I try to write the image to the partition?
Thanks again!
edit- sorry, did you mean i can clone directly to the new drive, and then do it again, using multiple passes? so there's no need for any partitions or making an image file at all?