Jared":241l6q47 said:
Wow, some people have no conscience, unfortunately. I see acetoollab-guy also stole list of supported hard drives from
my catalog. He also copied my flaws and added his own mistakes.
Anybody see any difference below? :-D
Do you see guys list of supported models for 3.5" Maxtor disks? It's empty. Because i have temporarily removed these items from my catalog, and i think he did not have a chance to copy this list from old version of my site. And now he can not make new list by himself.
Take a look on "SEA MOMENTUS 2 | M8, M8E, M8BP2, M7S2" string on his website. Seagate Momentus tool for Samsung M8 famalies? How it can be? These hard drives have a different dimensions, and tools for them are not fully compatible. But in a catalog file you can see the same, tool name is Seagate Momentus, but compatible disks are Samsung. I guess he don't see any difference between each vendor, because his goal is not to make a quality tool with correct description, but to sell it to inexperienced people.
Next thing about his "WD FIREBIRD 2" tool. As far as i understand this tool designed for two platters WD's. But i see in a catalog file it's also compatble with FOUR platters Shrek family (WD20NMVW-11AV3S0)! Seriously? He just copied my data from "WDC Shrek 4D" tool, and did not make any corrections.
And finally, who is hiding behind "acetoollab"? I checked my list of orders for last year, and... are you ready?
... found the same phone number which shown in "acetoollab" contacts. In September 2015 Andrey Melnikov bought full set of my tools (All-in-One Mega), with shipping to the Saint-Petersburg, Russia. He contacted with me from email, which also linked with his phone. Proof links are below.
I think Andrey Melnikov is not a such specialist, who works in data recovery long time and have much experience. I'm sure he did not took a lot of measures from the different hard drives, to make something his own with unique design. He just bought ER-Tools set, measured each tool, and made a copy. Such a shame!
To be continued...