PC3OOO UDMA unusual behavior

pclab":fbo467ri said:
Sometimes the terminals of the molex plug get too loose.
Try to tighten them to make better connections.

I don't think Its loose connection because when I tried removing molex out of PC3K It was jammed in and I had to apply extra force to remove it.


If it doesn't work, it's better for you to contact ACE so they can take a look.
Is it still under warranty?


Staff member
Yeah, ACE is generally really good about this sort of stuff. When I got my first UDMA board my power board literally lit on fire
about a month after I started using it. Talk about a freak-out moment for me :shock: . Fortunately, they mailed me out a replacement board the very next day and the PC-3000 wasn't damaged by the fire.

I've never had a problem since then.


not A long time ago I've faced the same problem
although the measurements taken directly from the PSU AND the SATA/molex via PC3K was showing normal voltage
ACE insisted that the problem is PSU and asked me to try out another PSU
I've obeyed to what they said (even it didn't make sense)
and bam everything was back to normal
Thank you everyone for your valuable feedback and time spent on trying to figure out the problem with my device. My PC3KUDMA is back on track and working again without the symptom I was facing earlier.

probably it was either wattage issue or just dust buildup.

I removed extra 3.5" Sata hard drive and hooked up my card again after cleaning. Just that and its working again.

I will try to recreate the issue again by connecting the drive which I had removed then we will know if it is wattage or dust was culprit.

Anyway, thank you again for all your efforts.