premise: the ROM from the USB board written in the unlocked SATA board returns again a SED locked drive.
Unlock the ROM with new utility 7.1.10 looks not supported for SpyGlass simple,
with "simple" I mean those with board 800041,
and I suppose it is due to the simple reason that usually any board 800022 is not locked
So I did the processes
- read the USB original board ROM
- written it in the unlocked SATA board
- blocked module 30
- uploaded compatible dir and loader from donor FW
- restarted utility in normal mode
- saved all the modules
but here you don't have an ID and don't have drive capacity neither if you soft reset,
at this point I have a personal memory bug
now how do we create the heads map? I ask it because as said above uploading compatible dir and loader from donor FW and restarting in normal mode won't give any capacity nor ID neither if soft reset
so with original modules saved
I have powercycled the drive (still module 30 access blocked) and now used the saved original modules for uploading
- OVLs
- module 02
in SA, tried also soft reset
I have ID but I don't have capacity
would you kindly recall me how are we supposed to do the heads map in these SpyGlass(es) drives?
I'm sure I forget something though I don't and I didn't edit/ed the HDD ID because I'm not sure about possible actions and eventual consequences with SpyGlass
Thank you for any hint
premise: the ROM from the USB board written in the unlocked SATA board returns again a SED locked drive.
Unlock the ROM with new utility 7.1.10 looks not supported for SpyGlass simple,
with "simple" I mean those with board 800041,
and I suppose it is due to the simple reason that usually any board 800022 is not locked
So I did the processes
- read the USB original board ROM
- written it in the unlocked SATA board
- blocked module 30
- uploaded compatible dir and loader from donor FW
- restarted utility in normal mode
- saved all the modules
but here you don't have an ID and don't have drive capacity neither if you soft reset,
at this point I have a personal memory bug
now how do we create the heads map? I ask it because as said above uploading compatible dir and loader from donor FW and restarting in normal mode won't give any capacity nor ID neither if soft reset
so with original modules saved
I have powercycled the drive (still module 30 access blocked) and now used the saved original modules for uploading
- OVLs
- module 02
in SA, tried also soft reset
I have ID but I don't have capacity
would you kindly recall me how are we supposed to do the heads map in these SpyGlass(es) drives?
I'm sure I forget something though I don't and I didn't edit/ed the HDD ID because I'm not sure about possible actions and eventual consequences with SpyGlass
Thank you for any hint
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