Toshiba USB to SATA possibility


I wrote a case study about this when I first had one, and model alone is not enough for conversion to SATA. Ill send it over to you by email monday so you can look over it.


Staff member
I wasn't trying to imply that you only need to match the model, just saying that once you change the A to a U you can then match specs as if it were the same model. So by matching the other specs as if you were going to headswap, I'd assume the PCB would be close enough to work with CP transfer.

I should experiment with this, I'm pretty sure I've got a few old cases lying around where I did pull the heads from a SATA drive to replace a USB one.


Boy this IC602 on these PCBs is hard to remove. I'm using a regular soldering iron and a hot air gun. Is there any particular method to do it? what do you guys use? How come there is no way to read the ROM without physically moving it? :?


protech":zsjmw66y said:
Boy this IC602 on these PCBs is hard to remove.
i don't know anything about that
protech":zsjmw66y said:
I'm using a regular soldering iron and a hot air gun. Is there any particular method to do it?
10-15 sec. on 150 C° warm up the area than increase to 360 C°‏ and should be removed smoothly
protech":zsjmw66y said:
what do you guys use?
air gun
protech":zsjmw66y said:
How come there is no way to read the ROM without physically moving it? :?
why not, you can read via COM.
B.T.W. must of the ROM is the CP's


protech":3eal9384 said:
How come there is no way to read the ROM without physically moving it? :?
why not, you can read via COM.
B.T.W. must of the ROM is the CP's[/quote]

Really? how do you connect a COM on USB Toshiba PCB?


ha ha :D :D easy man....slow down! I mean I appreciate your reply but i guess you didn't get my question, that's all.
I know how to connect a SATA Toshiba PCB. The whole conversation was about a Native USB PCB.


see on this pic. the marvell chip (88i9317-RA12) 97 & 98 are the rx & tx, take into consideration that not all marvell chips are the same