UFS Explorer - general questions


What's new in version 10.7:

* In password unwrap tool: added support of key unwrap from Synology key vault files;
* Updated procedure of detection of Intel Cache Technology (Optane) for proper recognition of this technology in some scenarios;
* Enabled write support for 'span' constructions and 'chunked' VMDK files;
* Added VMDK format as a supported target format for the Disk Imager;
- Virtual disk size limit for VMDK images is set to 128EB (instead of 8TB in VMware GUI);
* Also added support of legacy VHD format as an output format for Disk Imager (for sources with capacity below 2040GB);
* Added support of importing defect maps in RSM format;
* In 'Save selection (advanced)' dialog added the possibility to fine-tune certain copying parameters to override temporary the global software settings;
- Also added possibility to set up copying 'with the full path from the root';
* Added 'Save with full path' tool to the context menu of individual files;
* Symbolic links support:
- Fixed a bug causing truncation of long symbolic links;
- In object properties GUI: now symbolic link is displayed fully, with no truncation;
* On XFS file system:
- Added support of 'long date' feature for both 'access' and 'scan';
- Fixed bug with 'dirty' short symbolic links;
- Added support of long symbolic links in older (plain) format;
* FAT32 scan: fixed bug with folder structure reconstruction when there are multiple deleted files and file system indexing is enabled.


What's new in version 10.8:

* When indication of folders capacity is available (number and size of enclosed files), this information is now also saved to all reports;
* 'Save processed data' function now also saves device WWN to the image;
* Unproperly unmounted ('dirty') VHDX files are now opened read-only with no possibility to write to them;
* In VHDX/AVHDX format: added support of embedded log (transaction journal) to support 'virtual' log replay in case of 'dirty' virtual disk detachment;
* When scan result is restored to a different offset (from a disk/partition context menu) a confirmation warning message now appears;
* In file system direct access mode: added a function to calculate and show capacities of subfolders (size and count of files inside);
* Added support of NVMe SMART reporting in software version for Linux OS;
* ZFS file system (direct access): modified file 'open' procedure to support delayed loading of metadata and speed-up opening of large files;
* ReFS file system: added support of 'resident' files for both 'Access' and 'Scan' (small files stored in metadata with file system format 3.14 or later);
* FAT/FAT32 scan:
- Removed some 'junk' objects that can appear during 'indexing' stage of scan;
- Added support of older SONY camera style file deletion (indication with zero instead of E5h byte);
* In embedded viewer: added support of PDF documents in 'version 2' format and fixed few PDF format-related issues;
* In raw recovery:
- Added detection of PDF in format version 2;
- Fixed bug that caused some PDF files to be classified by mistake as Adobe Illustrator (AI) files;
- Added search for 'real' file size of PDF and AI documents (when possible).


What's new in version 10.9:

* Microsoft Storage Spaces:
- Added experimental support for 'fixup' of improperly unmounted volumes using the Transaction Log (via the 'RAID'->'Microsoft Storage Space volumes' tool);
- Fixed issue parsing volume metadata (record version 10);
- Fixed a bug with automatic updates to the 'dual parity' volumes when additional (missing) components are added;
* Added support of the Synology RAID-F1 pattern (both algorithm and support in RAID builder);
* In RAID builder:
- Added support of pattern rotations for 'dedicated parity' patterns of RAID5/RAID6;
- Added setting for rotating/dedicated Q-stripe for RAID6 and support of pattern indication for dedicated Q rotation type;
* Fixed recognition of RAID50/60 configurations with DDF2 RAID metadata on some Adaptec RAID boards;
* MDADM RAID metadata format:
- Added automatic recognition of dedicated parity configurations ('parity first'/'parity last' rotations) for both RAID5 and RAID6;
- Also added recognition and full support of RAID6 with RAID5-style rotation and dedicated parity (like 'left-symmetric-6', 'parity-first-6' etc. schemas);
* Ext3/Ext4 scan:
- Added support of journal checksum feature (for better deleted data recovery);
- Enabled EXT4 B-tree search for attempted recovery of big deleted files;
* Fixed bug with data access errors on 'transformed' (decrypted, byte-swapped etc.) in certain scenarios with transformation block size over one sector;
* Fixed bug with creation of image files in VHDX format;
* Linux software version in save/open dialogs now shows connected media from /media/USER_NAME subfolders;
* ReFS3 file system scan:
- Fixed bug with indexing procedure (incorrect location of indexed files);
- Added support of 'hard-links' in ReFS scan result.