WD Passport WD5000BMVV-11GNWS0


Staff member
Just be careful too that the drive is fully spun down before you remove the PCB. Otherwise you'll get the heads stuck to the platters. This procedure is called a smart hotswap.


So before attempting the hot swap, I tried the "Solve 'slow responding' problem" and then SA Translator regeneration. Drive came ready, I was able to read encryption key from mod 25 and view the entire tree in DE explorer.

Saved all files except one jpg that had some bad sectors. Not a bad result at all!

Thanks for all the help on this one.


Staff member
I must have misunderstood. I thought you meant that the drive wasn't coming ready (DRD + DSC) anymore. You meant that it gets ABR when you try to access sectors. :D


Yes sorry. That was my fault, I'm still new to expressing everything that pc-3000 is showing me. But yes, it wouldn't come ready when I powered on without an error (I think AMN). And then when I tried to access sectors, I got ABR constantly.

Anyway, it was a success! Thanks!