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  1. Blizzard

    New "cheaper" tools than HDDSurgery

    You have to test drives before you remove platters on a customer's drive. Different HDDs work in different ways. Always make more than 1 mark for alignment. Maybe you have to edit headmap in RAM and only image 1 head at a time. Maybe some Seagates that don't ID after platter swap you can...
  2. Blizzard

    Sandisk Thumbdrive Recovery

    This similar and working 4GB Sandisk does not have a component at that location.
  3. Blizzard

    SD is a forensics Company now?

    About Salvation Data
  4. Blizzard

    WD1600 Hell Week

    So this week I am recovering two old WD drives and they are both taking all week :( WD1600BB (2004) WD1600JS (2006) Some of you might not see too many of these old drives any more, I think I get them still because of the area I'm in. Mostly small businesses around here, not a great economy. The...
  5. Blizzard

    Seagate ST2000LM007 -1 capacity

    I think many of us are capable of head swaps on these by now. But how many of us have the ability to fix firmware issues? By the way, the client returned the drive to me and it was not pretty. I just wish I had inspected it before it made the rounds.
  6. Blizzard

    Recover Data in 3 Clicks with the New PC-3000 Easy Mode

    Ace announces PC-3000 "Easy Mode".
  7. Blizzard

    WD3200BEKT-00KA9T0 Europa

    When WD or Seagate receive hard drives under warranty claim and/or open box they test them and then recertify them to be sold at a discount or they send them out as replacement drives for customer drives they get back under warranty claims. I see more recertified Seagates than Western Digital...
  8. Blizzard

    HDD Surgery Head Holder

    I just saw the new Head Holder from HDD Surgery and I like it but... I'm not sure it's 10 times better than the panavise mini vise I use now for $30. What tools are you currently using for holding heads?
  9. Blizzard

    Pictures of Sliders At High Magnification

    Speaking of hemorrhoids... look at the giant copper wires on this HSA from a WD AC26400 6GB drive.
  10. Blizzard

    Seagate ST2000LM007 -1 capacity

    I ordered 2 of these off eBay and 1 is DOA. DOM is 12AUG2016. It fails Seatools basic test and makes beeping noises before it locks up. Obviously I don't know how it was handled before but it was shipped with about 1 inch of bubble wrap around it. You can also see the manufacturing on the...
  11. Blizzard

    Seagate ST2000LM007 -1 capacity

    Does anyone know if PC-3000 supports Seagate Backup Plus Portable ST2000LM007? I get Model, Serial, FW. It shows -1 capacity and can't detect family. When powered on terminal shows: Low Current Spin FAIL Servo Op=0095 Resp=0007 Fail Servo Op=0100 Resp=0007 This repeats for some time and then...
  12. Blizzard

    WD Slim WD7500LPCX

    Jared, here is a picture inside. Even with the ribbon cable connector removed there is almost no extra room.
  13. Blizzard

    WD Slim WD7500LPCX

    Has anyone performed a headswap on a Western Digital Slim WD7500LPCX? The design looked unique and I saw a dead one for $9 on eBay so I bought it and opened it up. At first look I don't even see how the HSA will come out or fit back in.