Unfortunately there isn't a way to write rom on donor sata pcb via serial mode, but i'll explain you how to write it without taking off chip from donor pcb by using eprom programmer.
This task is hard, you'll need good soldering skills with classic soldering iron, steady hand, good magnifying glass and time, but at least you can do it without unsoldering rom chip from sata pcb.
Need to solder 6 thin wires, or just 5 wires due to fact that it will not be necessary to apply on rom Vcc power with your eprom programmer, just power on sata pcb by using computer sata cables to easily supply Vcc on rom chip.
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Vcc is ROM pin 8, pin 3 and 7 are natively jointed together on board to pin 8.
This means that
pins 3 - 7 - 8 are in common.